An exciting, dynamic subject that studies the composition, behaviour and properties of matter.
At CHS, our aim is to challenge pupils, encourage analytical, objective and critical thinking and open their eyes to the wonders of Chemistry. We also want our students to have fun working in groups, exploring theories, observing chemical reactions and recording results in practical work.
The aim of the GCSE Chemistry course is to allow pupils to develop essential knowledge and understanding of the concepts of Chemistry, and the skills needed for the use of these in new and challenging situations. Pupils gain an understanding of the link between theory and experiment and become aware of how advances in ICT and instrumentation are used in Chemistry. The A Level course takes a more in depth approach to Organic, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, and allows students to make connections between these three branches of the subject.
In Sixth Form we offer talks by external speakers for Med.Soc. and make use of the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge. They are taught by two teachers with nine hours of contact time per fortnight. One teacher covers amounts of substance and organic chemistry whilst the other teaches the inorganic and physical chemistry topics. There are regular tests to allow students to assess their own progress, culminating in the internal examination in June. All students have a lab book and are expected to keep this up to date so that the required practical competencies can be achieved.
In Upper Sixth, the contact time increases to 10 hours per fortnight with a continuation of organic chemistry input from one teacher whilst the other delivers the physical chemistry topics including acids and bases, equilibria, kinetics and thermodynamics. The course ends with the coverage of transition metal chemistry, electrode potentials and periodicity. We aim to finish the course by Easter to allow a summing up of ideas and a detailed preparation for the A-Level examinations in June, when Chemistry students will sit papers 1, 2 and 3.
In addition to the curriculum syllabus, students in the Lower Sixth can volunteer to mentor Year 11 pupils.
Med Soc
This is a thriving club which is run by a Sixth Former under the guidance of Head of Department, Mr Chippendale. There are regular visits by speakers including current medical students, doctors and research scientists. Through the club students have also been involved in research run by The Christie and have visited the Molecular Imaging Institute in Withington.