“A house without books is like a room without windows.” – Horace Mann
Words are incredibly powerful; they can arouse intense emotion, raise rebellion and offer peace. Words can persuade, inform, anger and excite us. Learning to use and understand language and all its subtleties is an invaluable life skill. At CHS, we encourage pupils to find their own voice – both written and spoken – to express themselves with sophistication and confidence.
English at CHS is a lively, engaging subject, which encourages creativity in writing and oral activities. We encourage our pupils to read widely with understanding and pleasure. They discover various forms of language and we focus on improving technical accuracy in vocabulary, grammar, syntax and spelling.
In all forms of communication, we help pupils achieve a level of clarity so their intended meaning is accurately conveyed. We teach them to write neatly and imaginatively in both hand-written and computerized formats; and to speak and listen to one another with assurance, tolerance and effectiveness. During lessons, there’s plenty of opportunity for stimulating discussion!
There are a number of co-curricular opportunities available for pupils relating to English Language and Literature, including creative writing and debating clubs, attending theatre trips and hearing from a wide range of visiting authors.