Physical Education – GCSE Exam Information
Course Content
This course follows on from the Key Stage 3 Physical Education programme of study by providing students with exciting opportunities to lead a healthy and active lifestyle by choosing from a variety of activities in which to participate in physical activity. The content of the course is designed to enable students to enjoy and understand the benefits of living a healthy and active lifestyle; to provide a route to further study in Further Education awards, such as A levels and to Higher Education in Sport Science as well as to related career opportunities.
Please note that all lessons are classroom based. Occasionally, we will use practical applications to aid the understanding of theoretical concepts.
Course Content and Assessment
The course is divided into 3 units:
Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
Paper 1 is assessed by a 1 hour 15 minute written examination which accounts for 30% of the final mark. The paper covers the following areas of the course – applied anatomy and physiology, movement analysis, physical training and use of data.
Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport
Paper 2 is assessed by a 1 hour 15 minute written examination which accounts for 30% of the final mark. The paper covers the following areas of the course – sports psychology, socio-cultural influences, health, fitness and well-being, and use of data.
Both examination papers have a mixture of multiple choice/objective test questions, short answer questions and extended answer questions.
Non-exam assessment: Practical performance in physical activity and sport
The pupils choose three different physical activities in the role of performer (one in a team activity, one in an individual activity and a third in either a team or as an individual). They also analyse and evaluate performance in one activity to bring about improvement. This part of the course is assessed internally by CHS teachers and moderated by AQA. It accounts for 40% of the final mark and includes a small piece of written coursework.
Skills and Application
This programme of study encourages you to:
- Develop your interest in, and enthusiasm for, a study of Sport Science and its relation to the wider world;
- Develop your knowledge, skills and understanding of Sport Science by exploring its application in society, when playing sport and for leading a healthy and active lifestyle.
Reading and Resources
Pupils will be encouraged to read around the subject and will be provided with suggested outlets for further information. The main thing is to have a genuine interest in sport and to be prepared to read as much as possible about it (and to watch it as well!)
Exam Board: AQA