Altruistic Infants and Juniors raise over £10,000

The Infant & Junior School has raised over £10,000 for charity this year!

The very successful Charity Day, which saw pupils in fancy dress taking part in lots of fun activities and games, raised £5155. The money raised from this day was donated to three charities, NSPCC, Bliss and The Seashell trust, which were all chosen by the pupils.

Mrs Barbara Bottoms said: “We are very proud of the pupils and what they have raised. From a young age they are taught the importance of altruism and why it is one of the school values. We have very caring pupils who want to be able to help those that are less fortunate than themselves.”

The Junior School Productions also raised a lot of money for charity. £4732 was raised by the students and donated to Shelter.

Mrs Bottoms said: “The pupils are the future and it’s important that they are keen to do their bit for charity from a young age. We try to encourage this by putting on regular charity events throughout the year. We make sure the pupils are involved in these events and that they know why they are involved.”

The Junior School also raised money for Children in Need and made Christmas boxes to send to children who may not get presents at Christmas otherwise.

We are very proud of all the Infant and Juniors, keep up the good work!