The Sixth Form students who completed an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) last year gained excellent results. 100% of the students achieved A*- B, 83% achieved A*-A, and 67% achieved A*.
Even more impressive, Lily Danson, Raphael McMahon, Olivia Wallace and Adam Wolowczyk all achieved full marks.
An EPQ is a self-directed project that is worth half an A Level. Students must choose a topic, plan, research and develop their idea and decide on their finished product.
We asked some of the students why they decided to study an EPQ.
Beth said: “I chose to do an EPQ as I knew that it would enhance my UCAS application and allow me to produce a piece of work that was truly individual and provides freedom to do research on any particular topic that I desired to do.”
Adam, one of the students who achieved full marks, said: “I wanted to do an EPQ because I saw it as the first of the steps into an academic career of writing articles. I knew that it would be an excellent opportunity to learn the core skills in scientific writing.”

Carla believes the staff at CHS were a great help throughout her EPQ. When asked why she chose an EPQ she said: “I really enjoy self-directed learning and coursework. Additionally, an EPQ gave me a really good foundation for any future university type dissertations.
“The staff at CHS continuously supported me with my EPQ journey, especially my mentor and supervisor, whilst additionally receiving wider participation from numerous staff at CHS who kindly completed my questionnaire. “
Ollie said: “Originally, I actually decided against doing an EPQ because I was dissuaded by its structure and the idea you have to do all the work yourself. However, in late September I swapped Biology for an EPQ. Contrary to what I first thought, I really enjoyed it.”
We are very proud of our students and know they will go on to great things. Good Luck to all our Sixth Form students this year.
To read more on why the students chose an EPQ read our blog.