During 27 years of service at Cheadle Hulme School Mr John Winter has made a lasting impact on his many students and colleagues. At the end of this academic year we will bid him a fond farewell as he starts his well-deserved retirement.
Mr Winter started at the school as Head of German in September 1993 going on to develop his pastoral role as Head of Sixth Form four years later. He became Second Master in 2012, helping to lead the school both strategically and with great empathy. Alongside his academic role many will know him for his enthusiastic support of the school’s cricketing teams, and, of course, Manchester United…
His positive influence and infectious good humour is highlighted in the following message from former Head Boy, Raff McMahon, Class of 2019. For the full collection of messages from his current and former students and colleagues please visit https://sites.google.com/chschool.co.uk/jcw/home.
“It’s not often that a student can say, with complete honesty and no vested interest, that a teacher changed their life. However, Mr Winter has never been a run-of-the-mill teacher, and nor has he ever wanted run-of-the-mill students. For Mr Winter, passing German, or even excelling academically at it, is, at best, secondary. His main aim is for you to love German as much as he does (which is, as any student of Mr Winter would know, physically impossible but still worth striving for).
His energy and his commitment never fail to astound me, both inside and outside of lessons. In the classroom he set an impeccable example to his students – he was incessantly cheery, intensely interested in the ideas of his students and meticulous in his attention to detail. As a student of his, there was nothing I wanted more than to emulate these qualities. A smile rarely left his face irrespective of the intensity of the workload that must have faced him as CHS’s Second Master, meaning that a smile rarely left his students’ faces, irrespective of our own workload. Mr Winter may have made us work hard, but he always worked harder.
His warmth, humour, eloquence and his fascination with basically everything around him made me a better student and person. I, as I’m sure is true of most of his students, will miss him dearly and wish him a richly enjoyable, well-deserved retirement.”
If you would like to add your message to this collection please email er@chschool.co.uk.
We wish Mr Winter a full and happy retirement.