Checkmate! CHS wins Cheshire Mini Chess League

CHS’s Chess Team have emerged victorious in the inaugural Cheshire Mini Chess League!

The league, co-founded by CHS, Tytherington High, Kings Macclesfield and Wilmslow High School, was set up in order to create some competition out of the friendly games that are usually run through the year.

Each school has played the other three on two separate occasions in an effort to crown an overall winner. With an unbeaten streak throughout the tournament, CHS hosted the final against Kings Macc, and in a unique scenario, due to winning all earlier games, CHS were crowned champions of the league before the final matches even begun!

A total of 19 Waconians represented CHS in this event, with special mentions to Joe, Ben, David and Nikhil, who featured in all six matches, and James who not only participated in every game, but won every single one.

CHS Chess team member Rahul played in the tournament: “Competing in the Cheshire Mini Chess League was a unique opportunity to play regular chess matches with 12 players. It really helped build interest for chess across all age groups and winning the league was a nice addition. Hopefully the league and interest continue to grow over the coming years.”

The team was led by Upper Sixth Waconian Ed, who has recently been awarded the FIDE title of Candidate Master by the International Chess Federation.

A Candidate Master is a player who achieves an Elo rating of 2200 or more. As the title suggests, it is awarded to players who are strong candidates for becoming master. Once earned, the title is held for life.

Mr Steven Norton, CHS Head of Mathematics and Chess Club leader said: “Ed’s title is so exciting. It is a HUGE achievement and a great thrill for the CHS Chess Team to have such an esteemed player in its ranks. It reflects his exceptional talent and, more significantly, his enormous dedication to the sport over many, many years. It will be sad when he leaves us at the end of the year but I’m looking forward to tracking his future career in the game.