CHS Awarded Carnegie Mental Health Award
In line with CHS’s ongoing commitment to mental health awareness, the School is delighted to have achieved the Carnegie School Mental Health Award – Silver Status.
Established in 2017 by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools, in collaboration with social enterprise Minds Ahead, the Mental Health in Schools Award sets a standard for excellence in supporting mental well-being within educational settings.
The award is assessed against eight criteria, with inspectors looking for examples of evidence-based approaches that align to the latest professional guidance surrounding mental health.
Dean of Leeds Beckett’s Carnegie School of Education, Ms Rachel Boyle said: “The achievement of the Mental Health Award is a demonstration of the schools’ significant commitment to improving children and staff’s mental health and wellbeing.“

In every aspect of School life, opportunities for moral, spiritual, social, and cultural development are seamlessly woven into the fabric of CHS’s teaching, environment, activities, and relationships. This ‘hidden curriculum’ steers pupils toward values and ethos that become second nature, forming the bedrock of their character for a lifetime.
CHS’s mental health provision not only benefits the School Community. Upper School Waconians are trained as wellbeing mentors for CHS’s partner schools, whilst other pupils partake in weekly visits to local care homes. Our overseas Gambia project also supports pupils and staff in understanding aspects of wellbeing and happiness.
CHS’s dedicated Pastoral Team includes full-time nurses, a trained counsellor, and a specialist Learning and Support Team. Individual Form Tutors and Student Managers create a support network, ensuring that every student feels seen and heard.
To find out more about Pastoral care and Wellbeing at CHS, please click here.