We are pleased to have become a member of Potential Plus UK, (formerly the National Association for Gifted Children) a national charity which provides support for children with high learning potential. The School will work with Potential Plus to ensure that our most able students fulfill their potential. Membership will also help to support the School’s Academic High Performance Programme, known as the CHScholars Programme.
Lisa Barfoot, the CHScholars Coordinator, said “The CHScholars Programme builds upon the School’s commitment to providing a challenging and enriching education for all its students by providing access to a range of activities, competitions, talks, informal discussion groups and attendance at events outside School.
The Programme also includes mentoring from a member of the School’s senior academic staff to review academic progress and involvement in enrichment opportunities. Membership of Potential Plus gives the school access to huge range of resources and advice which will help to ensure that we are following best practice in our approach to highly able students.”
The High Performance Programmes at CHS are awarded to pupils who show academic, sporting or musical potential and the drive and commitment to succeed, and whom the School feels will achieve and develop his or her potential with the additional support and opportunities provided through participating in one of our bespoke programmes. For further information about our High Performance Programmes, please contact our Admissions Team admissions@chschool.co.uk