Old Waconian James (Jim) Gardner, Class of 1938, has been awarded The Legion of Honour for his participation in World War Two.
The Order of merit is the highest mark of distinction in France and is awarded for excellent civil or military conduct making Jim a Chevalier (Knight) of the Légion d’honneur.
In 1941 Jim joined the Air Force and during World War Two served with the Bomber Command from 1943 with 51 Squadron. He took part in 37 Operations flying a Halifax over France and Germany.
After his tour of operations Jim was awarded the DFC (Distinguished Flying Cross) given to people for ‘an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whist flying in operations against the enemy.’
Jim said of his latest prize: “I had been written to a long time ago to say I would be awarded the medal but hadn’t heard anything since then. When the official letter recently arrived in the post and I received the medal it was quite a surprise!”
A CHS Boarder and Foundationer, Jim was a member of the School’s lacrosse, rugby, cricket (for which he received his colours) and swimming teams, as well as a member of the scout troop.
Whilst attending CHS Jim was awarded a Duncan Matheson Silver watch (which is still in his possession), given to students each year who had performed especially well.
Every year Jim comes to CHS with companion and fellow Old Waconian Millie Blower (nee Kirby) for the whole School Service of Remembrance. In 2014, Jim was awarded the Distinguished Old Waconian Award for his service during the War and continued loyalty to the School.