CHS’s Sixth Form medic students have undertaken vital research work for three Manchester Clincial Research Facility Hospitals.
Working alongside Lead Cancer Research Nurse at The Christie, Elaine Blowers, three members of CHS’s co-curricular activity, Med.Soc, Parisa Tavakoli, Phoebe Potts and Adam Wolowczyk, have been assisting with a survey to schools about pupils’ attitudes to e-cigarettes.
Following permission from their ethics committee, The Christie asked the Sixth Form students to write a covering letter which would be sent to parents of 11-13 year olds who would complete the survey.
Parisa, Phoebe and Adam will continue to help with the process and assess the data received.
Elaine has been so impressed with their work and data analysis that CHS now has the opportunity to send students to The Christie on regular work experience in the clinical research facility.