Old Waconian, Paul Sinclair, Class of 1963 has committed to funding four new Sixth Form STEM Bursaries for aspiring engineers.
Each of the bursary places will be available for students commencing in the School’s Sixth Form from September 2019. The bursaries will fund the entirety of their studies, support for travel and trips along with a work experience opportunity in a STEM industry. The students will also have access to the range of co-curricular activities available at the School, including its many Sixth Form societies and clubs, sports teams, trips and leadership opportunities.
Paul, who now lives in Texas, USA commented “I strongly believe in helping provide an opportunity to those who have a dream to excel and can make best use of a first-class education. In particular, I know that we need young people willing to dedicate their lives to Science and Technology because the future of our country will depend on success in those fields. I was very fortunate to be accepted into Cheadle Hulme School and to receive financial assistance, without which my life could not have been as rewarding. Thanks to the encouragement of several outstanding teachers, I found a purpose and determination to succeed later in life, and I will always be grateful”.
Anyone wishing to find out more about applying for one of the STEM Bursaries should contact a member of the Admissions department at admissions@chschool.co.uk.