Ways of Giving

Whether it is with your time or financial support, making a contribution to CHS not only benefits the school today, but also our future Waconians.

Giving a one-off gift can make an immediate impact on the school, and a regular gift, whether monthly or annual, can help the school plan for the future. Every gift helps make a difference.

Click on the options below to find out more or contact the External Relations to discuss giving options.


For me, giving to CHS is not about giving back, it’s about making a commitment to the future. Of course I give because of my personal connection to the School and the wonderful opportunities it opened up to me, which I’ll always be grateful for.  But I also give because I believe a great education can transform the life of a young person. A diverse mix of cultures and backgrounds is an essential preparation for all young people for life beyond their CHS education”.

Tom Appleton, Class of 1994

For every 100 Old Wacs who commit to a monthly donation of £10 over five years, we can support a young person right through their education at CHS.

Many donors choose to make a regular gift. Making payments on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis by Direct Debit not only helps you as the donor budget your payments and perhaps allows for a more substantial gift to be made, but it is particularly valuable to the school as it creates dependable income, which allows both long term planning of funding and flexibility to respond to the demands placed on the Bursary Fund as they arise.

If you would like to donate through Direct Debit all you need to do is visit our secure web page or get in touch with us to request a donation form (and please sign the Gift Aid Declaration) and we will do the rest. If you prefer to donate via Standing Order and instruct your bank to make regular payments, please contact ER and we will send you the relevant bank details.

To make an individual gift, you can do so via our secure web page. Alternatively, contact us to request a donation form or make a payment over the phone by calling us on 0161 488 3341.

If you are a UK Tax Payer, you can increase the value of your gift to Cheadle Hulme School by allowing us to claim Gift Aid on your donation. This adds 25p for every £1 you donate to the total of your donation, without costing you an extra penny. If you pay tax at the higher or additional rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation. Gift Aid can be applied to both one-off donations and regular donations made by Direct Debit or Standing Order.

To make a gift aid declaration on previous and future donations simply fill in this short online form.

If you live in the US and you would like to make a donation to Cheadle Hulme School there are ways of making your gift tax-efficient. The most common way to make a donation is through BSUF, the British Schools and Universities Foundation. You can do this on their website and either make a single gift or set up a regular gift. 

Gifts from other countries, as well as from the US can be made online, via credit or debit card, by contacting External Relations or via international bank transfer.

  • To donate by Direct Bank Transfer, please use the following details: 
  • Account Name: Cheadle Hulme School 
  • IBAN: GB79BARC20553460782521
  • BIC: BARCGB22 
  • Reference: [Your name]

Leaving a gift in your will is a way of giving something back to the School without a cost to you during your lifetime, a way of leaving something that will be appreciated by future generations of students and leave a lasting legacy.

Cheadle Hulme School is counting on all Old Waconians to safeguard the future of the School itself, the buildings and its resources, and to provide a lifetime of memories and a life changing education to those who would not be able to attend the School without financial support.

Leaving a gift in your will to Cheadle Hulme School, to be used where it is needed most, provides the School and the Trustees with the possibility and flexibility to respond to the most urgent needs of the School. 

The 1855 Society was set up in honour of those who have left a legacy to the School and to recognise those Old Waconians who are leaving a gift in their will. 

There are various ways to leave a legacy and it is advisable to discuss the options with a solicitor. A couple of gift in will options include:

  • Residuary gifts: all or part of what is left of your estate after all other gifts, debts and other charges have been met. This would provide the most valuable gift to the School.
  • Pecuniary gifts: a gift of a specified amount of money determined by you in your will.

Leaving a gift in your will is easy to do and using a solicitor when updating or making a new will reduces the risk of any future legal complications.

 If you have already written your will and want to add a gift to Cheadle Hulme School, you do not need to re-do your will, you can simply complete a codicil to add a gift with the advice of a solicitor.

As a registered charity Cheadle Hulme School pays no tax on gifts in wills. A legacy to your School may also reduce the inheritance tax payable on your estate. Gifts of any amount (from as little as 1% of your estate) will help Cheadle Hulme School make a vital difference to the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Leaving a gift in your will gives you the chance to make a difference to bright, young people, giving them a life changing education.