Wow for our Waconians: GCSE success leads to Sixth Form
CHS’s Class of 2024, are today celebrating all their hard work and dedication to their studies by collecting their GCSE results – and the Waconians are now looking forward to life in the Sixth Form.
Head, Mr Smith said: “Receiving your first set of public examination results is always a nervous time for pupils, and after the experiences of the last two years I know that Year 11 pupils across the country will be especially anxious this year. Staff and pupils at CHS have worked incredibly hard to ensure that the impact of the pandemic on learning has been minimised and it is therefore a real pleasure to see this hard work vindicated in a tremendous set of GCSE and IGCSE results. Success in examinations can be measured in multiple ways, but it is most pleasing to see our Waconians achieve and exceed their own individual targets, knowing that they have received deserved reward for their individual efforts.”
He continued: “As with those students who received their A Level. Pre-U and BTEC results last week, these results only represent part of what these pupils have achieved during their time at the School, and do not reflect the time spent engaging in the Co-Curricular life of CHS, supporting members of their local community or in developing skills essential for success later in life.”
“The work which has gone into preparing for the examinations has provided a very secure foundation from which our pupils can approach post-16 study and I look forward to seeing further progress during their time in the Sixth Form.”

To mark the occasion, the pupils are joining with family members, friends and Staff in an on-site celebration to share their own success stories and smile for the camera, whilst enjoying refreshments provided by local independent Coffee suppliers and Zara Cakes.
Find out more about the Class of 2024’s achievements throughout the day by reading their individual stories on CHS’s Blog, and check the Exam Results page to see this year’s final facts and figures.
Photos from the morning’s event will be added to the Gallery and follow #CHSuccess #WaconianWow on Social Media for all the very latest GCSE Results Day 2022 action.